88. Prácticas de inclusión y exclusión en los niños y niñas indígenas en el grado quinto de básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora Del Socorro, de la vereda El Socorro, en el Pital- Huila


Lida Maritza Valencia Tocoche

Yenny Catherine Tierradentro Alvarado

Palabras Claves:

Inclusión, exclusión, indígenas y prácticas.


Inclusion,exclusion,indigenous people and practices


María Angélica Cachaya Bohórquez

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Es importante reconocer a la población con discapacidad motora y brindarles una atención educativa de calidad. Por ello, el presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar el estado actual de las barreras para la Inclusión Educativa a estudiantes en condición de Discapacidad Motora en Instituciones Educativas públicas focalizadas por la Secretaría de Educación de Neiva durante el año 2017. Se identificaron las principales barreras físicas a través de listas de chequeo y las barreras actitudinales que fueron verificadas a través del cuestionario Tipo Likert, la actitud se midió desde lo emocional, cognitivo y conductual que tienen los docentes frente a la población escolar en condición de discapacidad motora. 

Los principales resultados encontrados en cuanto a las barreras físicas están relacionados con el material didáctico, seguido de mobiliario adaptado y el desplazamiento a la institución y en cuanto a las barreras actitudinales se evidenció en su mayor parte actitudes indecisas y desfavorables de los docentes en cuanto a la inclusión educativa. Se encontró que hay más elementos de riesgo que elementos posibilitadores, por lo que se concluye que las Instituciones Educativas focalizadas presentan incumplimiento de la norma en las barreras físicas y actitudes neutras y desfavorables que se expresan desde las barreras actitudinales. Por último, se sugieren dos estrategias que son: el Plan de Accesibilidad Institucional PAI y el Plan para mejorar actitudes docentes hacia la inclusión educativa con el fin de mejorar y mitigar las barreras para la Inclusión Educativa a estudiantes en condición de Discapacidad Motora.  


The objective of this paper is to describe the significant learning obtained by the young offenders of the FEI Foundation in the natural sciences class, as a result of the implementation of the mnemonic teaching strategy. The investigation carries out an intervention with minor offenders of the penal law in ages of 14 to 19 years of the foundation FEI (family environment individual) of the city of Neiva, this is done through the design and application of didactic guides structured in mnemonics (procedure of mental association to facilitate the memory of something “) from the teaching of natural sciences, the foundation is divided into three sessions, clarifying that the pedagogical implementation and training is equitable, thus: 

Cae1: made up of male users, between 17-19 years of age, who attend the evening education cycles (cycle III, cycle IV, cycle VI); belonging to the different municipalities of the department of Huila, they are users who during their resocialization process within the foundation meet or are about to reach the age of majority. 

Cae2: made up of male users, between 14 and 17 years old, who attend the evening education cycles (cycle III, cycle IV, cycle VI); belonging to the different municipalities of the department of Huila, are users who during their process of resocialization within the foundation are not yet to reach the age of majority and are permanently. 

IP: conformed by male users, between 14-17 years old, who attend the night education cycles (cycle III cycle IV cycle VI); belonging to the different municipalities of the department of Huila and its surroundings, are users who are found preventively within the foundation until they are clarified their legal status, this population is floating and the time of permanence ranges from 1 to 4 months.

Methodologically, the qualitative approach is worked with the phenomenological method; inrelation to the population, it is carried out with minors who are deprived of their freedom and who continue their educational process in the detention centers. Data collection is done through the application of interviews, and observation. For the analysis of the information, open, axial and selective coding is used. The data collected are organized into analysis categories, axial and central; which determine significant experiences, learning process and learning environments. Axial coding is carried out where the categories found were 6: New knowledge, knowledge transfer, teaching strategy, teacher role, coexistence and educational resources.

Among the findings, there is the reflection on the part of the young people when the guide “Body and Human Sexuality” was worked on in the sexual reproduction class. In this class the young people identified advantages and disadvantages of a sexual education, being of significant character for their life project, these significant experiences of young people are articulated with the theme, concepts and relate it to their reality. The teachers also determine the characteristics of the population, taking into account the needs of the group, which allows the design of their classes, adapting the materials according to the needs and pedagogical challenges to face.

It is clear that favoring significant learning in these young people, in a state of vulnerability due to their situation of confinement, the teacher as an authority figure should be the guiding of a process of training, teaching and learning, according to social, cultural, ethical expectations and morals in a learning environment, by implementing one or several strategies that involve actions and experiences of each of the actors in the educational community. 

Finally the teacher must keep in mind that the learning environment is his responsibility, therefore, he must implement one or several strategies that involve actions, experiences and experiences of each of the actors that are part of the educational community.

Finally the teacher must keep in mind that the learning environment is his responsibility, therefore, he must implement one or several strategies that involve actions, experiences and experiences of each of the actors that are part of the educational community.